FOREST ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGIES (FETEC 2022) 28-29 November 2022 Baku, Azerbaıjan




Video Captures from the First day of the FETEC-2022 Symposium
 (There are some missing parts in videos due to technical difficulties in hosting server)
Openning Ceromony
Sessions I
Session II






Forest Transportation Solutions and IT Applications for Natural Disaster Management

28-29 November 2022

Baku, Azerbaijan

45A, Khagani St, “Landmark 2” Business Center

Symposium Rationale

As one of the most important natural resources, forests have vital functions such as improving biodiversity, preserving soil, protecting water, and providing services to society. In order to maintain these functions, forest should be planned and managed by considering social, economic, ecological, and sociocultural factors. In recent years, natural disasters caused by abiotic factors result in serious biological and ecological damages on forest ecosystems while threatening the human life. The most effective natural disasters may include forest fires, winter storms, floods, landslides, and avalanches.

In order to minimize the detrimental effects of natural disasters, advanced information technologies (ITs) such as GIS, RS, ICT, IoT, etc. should be used in planning and implementing of natural disaster management activities. Besides, forest roads, providing important benefits of accessing forest areas, should be designed and constructed considering the natural disasters. 

3rd International Symposium of Forest Engineering and Technologies (FETEC 2022): Forest Transportation Solutions and IT Applications for Natural Disaster Management” will be organized on 28-29 November 2022 by Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Azercosmos) in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan as hybrid symposium with both online and face-to-face participation. The symposium co-organizers include GDF (General Directorate of Forestry, Turkey), IUFRO Division 3.0 and FETEC Platform

Symposium Objective

The aim of the symposium is to discuss the most recent scientific researches and professional works related to Forest Transportation solutions and IT applications for Natural Disaster Management with attendance of international researchers, practitioners, and relevant shareholders.

Symposium topics

  • Natural disaster risk management
  • Assessment of disaster risk factors
  • Mapping the risk of winter storm damage
  • Spatial modeling of snow avalanche
  • Types, causes and effects of snow avalanches
  • Landslide risk assessment and management
  • Spatial-temporal forest cover changes
  • Design and construction of roads in landslide susceptible areas
  • Simulation and modeling of flood hazard
  • The road structures in flood affected areas
  • Forest fire risk mapping using MCDA
  • Visibility assessment of fire-lookout towers
  • Effects of road standards on travel time to fires
  • Fast transportation and safe access to fire
  • Planning of salvage logging and transportation after natural disasters
  • Work safety and ergonomics of firefighters
  • Fire breaks interventions in firefighting
  • Using ITs (GIS, RS, ICT, IoT, etc.) in management of natural disasters
  • Using UAV technology and machine learning approach in natural disaster management

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Honorary Committee

Samaddin Asadov, Azercosmos, Baku, Azerbaijan

Bekir Karacabey, GDF, Ankara, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Woodam Chung, IUFRO Division 3.0

Prof. Dr. Huseyin E. Celik, FETEC, IU-C, Istanbul

Organizational Committee

Prof. Dr. Selcuk Gumus, KTU, Trabzon, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Abdullah E. Akay, IUFRO Division 3.01

Prof. Dr. Abdurrahim Aydin, DU, Duzce, Turkiye

Elman Alaskarov, Azercosmos, Baku, Azerbaijan

Ismat Bakhishov, Azercosmos, Baku, Azerbaijan

Vugar Bayramov, Azercosmos, Baku, Azerbaijan

Ahu Peruzhan Özyakub, GDF, Turkiye

Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. H. Hulusi Acar, IYYU, Istanbul, Turkiye

Prof. Dr.  Abdullah E. Akay, BTU, Bursa, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Fuad Hacizade, IGG, Baku, Azerbaijan

Prof. Dr. Kazuhiro Aruga, UDAI, Japan

Prof. Dr. Ayhan Atesoglu, BU, Bartin, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Abdurrahim Aydin, DU, Duzce, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Stelian A. Borz, UniTVb, Braşov, Romania

Prof. Dr. Erhan Caliskan, KTU, Trabzon, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Huseyin E. Celik, IU-C, Istanbul, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Rza Mahmudov, IG, Baku, Azerbaijan

Prof. Dr. Oguz Coban, IUAS, Isparta, Turkiye 

Prof. Dr. Murat Demir, IU-C, Istanbul, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Vasileios C. Drosos, DUTH, Greece

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Eker, IUAS, Isparta, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. M. Reza Ghaffariyan, USC, Australia

Prof. Dr. Selcuk Gumus, KTU, Trabzon, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Aytaj Badalova, NAA, Baku, Azerbaijan

Prof. Dr. Temesgen Hailemariam, OSU, OR, USA

Prof. Dr. Han-Sup Han, NAU, Arizona, USA

Prof. Dr. Hajri Haska, UBT, FFS, Albania

Prof. Dr. Ayhan Koc, IU-C, Istanbul, Turkiye 

Prof. Dr. Tolga Ozturk, IU-C, Istanbul, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Igor Potočnik, UL, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Prof. Dr. Ali Rasouli, MU, Sydney, Australia

Prof. Dr. Hideo Sakai, UT, Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Dr. Dzevada Sokolovic, Bosnia&Herzegovina

Prof. Dr. Bogdan Strimbu, OSU, Oregon, USA

Prof. Dr. Mohd Nazip Suratman, UiTM, Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Teich, INTA, Argentina

Prof. Dr. Metin Tunay, BU, Bartin, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Osman Yalcin Yilmaz, IU-C, Istanbul, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Hakan Yener, IU-C, Istanbul, Turkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rovshan Abbasov, KU, Azerbaijan

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Borys Bakay, UNFU, Ukraine

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefano Grigolato, UNIPD, Italy

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norizah Kamarudin, UPM, Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaman Mammadov, ISSA, Azerb.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Robert Keefe, UI, Idaho, USA

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Podolskaia, MIREA, Russia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aydin Yahyayev, WCU, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raffaele Spinelli, IBE, Italy

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilgar Dadashov, AMES,Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oleg Styranivsky, UNFU, Ukraine

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael Wing, OSU, Oregon, USA

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akif Aghbabali, BSU, Azerbaijan

Assist. Prof. Dr. Dalia Abbas, Washington DC, USA

Assist. Prof. Dr. Dzhamal Amishev, LU, Canada

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rauf Muradov, RSSC, Azerbaijan

Assist. Prof. Dr. Matevz Mihelic, UL, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Assist. Prof. Dr. Anton Poje, UL, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dr. Kamala Agayeva, NASA, Azerbaijan

Dr. rer. nat. Stephan Hoffmann, NIBIO, Norway


Assist. Prof. Dr. Remzi Eker, IKCU, Izmir, Turkiye



Fidan Behbudova, Azercosmos, Baku, Azerbaijan


Tel: +994125650055 (ext. 216)

Yusif Abiyev, IB, MSE, Baku, Azerbaijan


Tel: +994553565957


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Important Dates

Abstract Submission:

Author Notification:


Full Paper Submission:

04 November 2022

10 November 2022

20 November 2022

04 December 2022


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3rd International Symposium of Forest Engineering and Technologies (FETEC 2022)

Forest Transportation Solutions and IT Applications for Natural Disaster Management

28-29 November 2022

Baku, Azerbaijan

45A, Khagani St, “Landmark 2” Business Center



28 November 2022 (Monday)

9:30 (a.m.; UTC/GMT +4)

1st day Symposium Online Platform and Link: Microsoft team meeting link

Meeting ID: 318 806 682 880 Passcode: s4iGiW

09:30 Registration

10:00 Opening Speeches  

          Dunay Badirkhanov (Azercosmos Vice-Chairman, Azerbaijan)

          Prof. Dr. H.Hulusi Acar (FETEC Platform, Istanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University, Turkiye)

          Prof. Dr. Abdullah E. Akay (IUFRO Division 3.01.00, Bursa Technical University, Turkiye)

          Bekir Karacabey (General Director, General Directorate of Forestry, Turkiye)

 10:45-11:00 Coffee Break

 11:00 Keynote Speeches


Prof. Dr. Han Sup Han (Northern Arizona University, USADoes Thinning Reduce Wildfire Hazard and Improve Forest Health?


Prof. Dr. Abdurrahin Aydın (Düzce University, Turkiye): New perspectives in inventory and analysis of Forest-Related Natural Hazards using  Remote Sensing and GIS


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rovshan Abbasov (Khazar University, Azerbaijan): The Role of Community Resources in Natural Disaster Risk Reduction


Assist. Prof. Dr. Kadir Alperen Çoşkuner (Karadeniz Technical University, Turkiye): Importance and Use of Decision Support Systems in Fire Management


Dr. Cristiano Foderi (University of Florence, Italy): Forest Fuel Loads Characterization: State of the Art and Future Challenges 


Sona Guliyeva (Azercosmos, Azerbaijan): Forest Monitoring by Azersky Satellite

  12:30-13:30 Lunch


Technical Session I (Chair: Prof.Dr. Selçuk Gümüş)


Evaluation of GIS-based Forest Road Route Planning Criteria in Landslide Susceptible Areas, Ender Buğday


Using GIS-based Network Analysis to Evaluate the Accessible Forest Areas Considering Wildfires: The Case of Sarajevo, Dževada Sokolović, Muhamed Bajric, Abdullah Emin Akay


Determining the Suitable Forest Road Route in Landslide Hazard Areas: A UAV Application, Yılmaz Türk, Remzi Eker, Abdurrahim Aydın


Regional Evaluation of Landslides between 1950-2020 in Turkiye by Trend Analysis, Anıl Orhan Akay, Murat Ozocak, Abdullah İlker Esin, Necmettin Şenturk, Mustafa Akgül


Comparison of Forest Roads According to Ecological Potential Using AHP and GIS, Farhad Ghasemi Aghbash, Iman Pazhouhan


Investigation of the Relationship Between Landslide and Forest Roads via OpenGIS® Web Map Services (WMS), Taha Yasin Hatay, Selçuk Gümüş

  15:00-15:30 Coffee Break


Technical Session II (Chair: Prof.Dr. Abdurrahim Aydın)


Using GIS-based MCDS methods for Generating Forest Fire Risk Maps, Abdullah Emin Akay, Aybike Göksu Bektaş


Fire Susceptibility Analysis Considering its İmpacts on Biodiversity of Lowland Forests in Azerbaijan, Yusif Abiyev, Remzi Eker, Ahmet Açıl


A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Carbon Storage in Urban Ecosystem After Forest Fire, Zennure Uçar, Ramazan Akbulut, Abdullah Emin Akay


Wildfire Disasters in Albania as a Major Hazard to Forest Resources, Nehat Çollaku, Elvin Toromani, Erion Istrefi


Forest Fire Susceptibility Mapping Using Maximum Entropy Method a Case Study in the Northeast of Turkiye, Bahar Dinç, Derya Mumcu Küçüker


Determination of Post-fire Condition with Terrestrial and Remote Sensing Technigues in Burned Young Oak Forest, İsmail Baysal, Remzi Eker


29 November 2022 (Tuesday)

10:00 (a.m.; UTC/GMT +4)

2nd day Symposium Online Platform and Link: Microsoft team meeting link

Meeting ID: 392 298 341 846 Passcode: iP9A2w


Technical Session III (Chair: Prof.Dr. Mehmet Eker)


Operational Planning Procedure for Salvage Harvest after Disasters, Mehmet Eker


Problems of Integral Assessment of Natural and Anthropogenic Origin Environmental Risks in Azerbaijan, Mirnuh Ismayilov, Emil Jabrayilov


Evaluating the Effects of Forest Roads on Forest Fire Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Images – A Case Study for Cokertme Fire in Turkiye, Gizem Mısırlıoğlu, Selçuk Gümüş


Forest Fire Related Accidents In Turkiye, Bahar Dinç, Sibel Ersoy


Monitoring of Forest Roads During the Lack of Forest Managerial in Hyrcanian Forest, Mohsen Mostafa


Assessment of Forest Fire Damage by Using Deep Learning Method, Aybike Göksu Bektaş, Abdullah Emin Akay, İsmail Rakıp Karaş

 11:30-12:00 Coffee Break


Technical Session IV (Chair: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mustafa Akgül)


The Importance of Realtime Scanning Radars in Determining Flood Levels: The Case of the Kastamonu - Bozkurt Flood on August, 2022, Çiğdem Özer Genç, Arif Oğuz Altunel


Study of the Clearing Limit of Road Considering Features of Different Environmental Units in a Deciduous Forest, Aidin Parsakhoo, Mohsen Mostafa


Analyzing Landslide Susceptibility of Forest Roads by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Derya Mumcu Küçüker


Evaluating the Design and Construction of Forest Roads in Landslide-Prone Areas Using Machine Learning and Remote Sensing Techniques, Sebahattin Açıkgöz, Abdullah Emin Akay


Decision of Drainage Structures on Forest Roads by Netcad-Nethydro Module in Flood and Owerflood Scenarios, Gizem Mısırlıoğlu, Selçuk Gümüş


Comparison of Hand-Held Mobile Laser Scanning and Terrestrial Photogrammetry for 3D Modelling of Post Wildfire Erosion Plots, Ahmet Açıl, Remzi Eker, Ahmet Duyar, Abdurrahim Aydın

  13:30-14:30 Lunch


Technical Session V (Chair: Assoc.Prof.Dr. A. Oğuz Altunel)


Aerospace Monitoring of Dynamics of Lowland and Mountain Forests of The Zakatala Region of Azerbaijan, Aytaj Badalova, Khosiyat Ismatova, N.R. Jafarova


Using GIS Techniques for Investigating the Optimum Locations for Fire Watchtowers, Halit Büyüksakallı, Abdullah Emin Akay


Wind-driven Fires in Northeastern Turkiye, Bahar Dinç, İsmail Baysal


Visibility Analysis of Fire Lookout Towers: The Case of Edremit State Forest Enterprise in Turkiye, Burak Sarı, Derya Mumcu Küçüker

15:30-15:45 Importance of Forest Road Networks in Forest Firefighting Activities in Tirana, Albania, Hajri Haska

  15:45-16:00 Coffee Break


Technical Session VI (Chair: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ender Buğday)


The Effect of Spatial and Temporal Variation of Land Use Change on Some Soil Properties in Mediterranean Karst Ecosystems, Turgay Dindaroglu, Bilal Boran, Emre Babur, Oleksandr Menshov


Assessment of Particulate Matter Risk in Post-Fire Logging Operations, İnanç Taş, Abdullah Emin Akay


Determination of Work Efficiency and Physical Workload During the Primer Transport by Tractors, Sadık Çağlar


Evaluation of the Effect of Stabilization Techniques on Forest Road Cutslopes: A Review, Kıvanç Yüksel, Neşe Gülci, Abdullah Emin Akay

17:00-17:15 Quantity and Type of Logging Residues Following Cut-To-Length and Full-Tree Salvage Logging Systems in Damaged Mountain Forests, Alberto Udali, Lorenzo Garollo, Raffaele Cavalli, Stefano Grigolato
17:15-17:30 The Future, Social and Environmental Aspects of Industrial Greening of Akmola Region in Kazakhstan , Dani Sarsekova, Aiman Shaldybayeva

 17:30-17:45 Coffee Break


Closing remarks (Chair: Prof.Dr. Abdullah E. Akay)


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Abstract Submission Instructions

Abstracts (in English) should include 150-200 words and 3-5 keywords. It should be written in MS Word (.docx) using Times New Roman, 12 pt. and single line. Following title; names, addresses and e-mails of authors should be added. Abstract template can be downloaded from here.

Abstracts should be mailed to

High-quality full papers will be considered to be published in the European Journal Forest Engineering


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Papers of both Oral and Poster presentations should be written on page format of DIN A4 (210 x 297 mm), all margins of 2.5 cm, font size of 12 pt, and font type of Times New Roman. Text should be written in single space and should not exceed 10 pages (including tables, figures, and references).  Page numbers should be consecutively located in the bottom right corner.

Template of full paper can be downloaded from here.

Full papers should be sent to by 4 December, 2022.


Title should be written in capital letters and bold format. After title, author name(s) and the address (affiliations, telephone, fax and e-mail address) should also be supplied. For papers with more than one author, the corresponding author should be indicated with a sign*.


Abstract should contain short and sufficient information about study rationale, objectives, materials and methods used in, the results obtained and suggestions, and should be limited by maximum 200 words. There should be 3-5 key words provided after the abstract.  


Main text of the paper is the section where detail information about the study is provided. Headings should be numbered as 1, 1.1, 1.1.1 in this section. Main headings such as INTRODUCTION, MATERIAL AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS should be written in capital letters, bold format, and left-justified. Subheadings should be also in bold format and left-justified, but only initial letters should be in capital letters. Main text should be written in plain format without any special format, and there should be single line spacing between paragraphs.  


Tables and figures should be located in the most appropriate place just after they are referred in the text and consecutively numbered (1, 2, 3, …). Table captions should be placed above the tables while they should be placed below figures. Vertical grid lines should not be used in tables.  


References mentioned in the text should be written in parenthesis as “author’s last name, publication year”. If there is more than one reference, they should be chronologically ordered and separated by semicolon (Example: Allen and Fox, 1998; Yıldırım et al., 2002).

In References section at the end of a paper, they should be listed according to alphabetical order of authors’ last names, and then according to chronological order of publication dates for the references of the same authors. If there is more than one reference published by the same authors in the same year, they should be indicated by including annex in alphabetical order (Example: 1993a).

Main format to be used for references at the end of paper should be: Author name (last name, name), publication year (and annex if necessary), title, journal name, volume, number, and page numbers. If the reference is a book, publishing house and location should be indicated, while name, date, and location of a symposium should be also given for symposium proceedings.  Some examples are given below about presentation of references:

Journal article:

Akay, A.E., Wing, M., Sessions J. 2012. Estimating structural properties of riparian forests with airborne LiDAR data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 33(22): 7010-7023.


Sessions, J., Boston, K., Wing, M.G., Akay, A.E., Theisen, P., Heinrich, R. 2007. Forest Road Operations in the Tropics. Edited by Sessions, J. Springer, Berlin. 170 p.

Congress and symposium:

Akay, A.E., Kılıç, E.H. 2015. Providing Engineering Solutions to Forest Fire Access Problems Using Network Analysis Method. International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS) 2015. 15-19 May. Skopje (Üsküp), Macedonia.


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Please fill the form above for registration. 

Organizational costs of the symposium are covered by Azercosmos. Participation in the symposium is free of charge.

Abstracts should be mailed to You will be notified after sending your abstracts.


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